Apology Letters

   Late Apology

Dear {Name},

This letter is a long time coming. I cannot tell you how mortified I am that I have yet to apologize for {incident/error/misstep/etc.}. The truth is, I was {frozen/in denial/dealing with addiction or other issue/etc.}.

I am so sorry. I dearly {hope/pray} that you can see your way clear to forgiving me. I realize now that {specific wrongs done}. I take full responsibility. I never should have {behavior}. It wasn’t appropriate, and you certainly didn’t deserve to be at the receiving end of my {rudeness/carelessness/etc.}.

I don’t want to overstep, so I will leave it to you to reach out if you’d like to talk.

I wish I had said something much sooner. Regardless, I am so, so sorry.



Download this apology letter template — free!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of letter of apology templates