Apology Letters

   Apology Letter for Missing Appointment


Dear {Mr./Mrs. Name},

I must offer my deepest apologies for the rudeness and inconsideration I displayed by missing our appointment without calling you and explaining the circumstances. It was unprofessional and impolite of me to do so and I hope that I did not keep you waiting too long.

The reason I failed to appear was that {reason}. While it is no excuse for not calling, such an unexpected emergency made me completely lose my head. I am normally very organized and clear-headed, but I lost my sense of decorum, which was inexcusable.

I hope that you will consider rescheduling this meeting with me. I have been looking forward to it as a wonderful opportunity to further my {career/project/knowledge}. I will call you later this week, or you can reach me at {phone number}.

Thank you for your understanding and, once again, I'm sorry for my thoughtless behavior.



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Index of letter of apology templates