Apology Letters

   Apology For Watching Show Without You

Dear {Name},

I'm the worst! I watched {show} without you. I didn't just watch it; I totally binged it. I thought about lying and pretending I hadn't gone against our agreement to watch the show together. In fact, I would sit through the entire thing again, feigning surprise at plot twists, if it would spare your feelings.

I've felt so guilty and have been dreading coming clean to you. I hope you'll forgive me. Please me know if you'd still like to watch the show together. No spoilers from me, I promise!

You've mentioned that you'd like to watch {other show}. If you're still game, I promise you that I wait until we can watch it together. I'll even provide the snacks. You're a great show-watching companion. My curiosity about {plot point} got the best of me this time. Gah! I'm so freaking sorry.



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