Apology Letters

   Apology For Not Being Present During Crisis

Dear {Name},

I hope that you are {doing well/at peace/feeling better/etc.} after your recent {crisis}. I also need to offer you my whole-hearted apology. I wasn’t there for you, and I am so sorry.

I’ve done some reflection, and I realize now that I was {triggered by past/dealing with own crisis/fundamentally selfish/etc.}. I have now {sought therapy/done personal work/etc.} and believe I will be better equipped to be emotionally and physically present in the future. But it’s not about me. You were in need, and I fell short. That is not the type of friend I want to be, and my behavior is definitely not reflective of how much I value our relationship.

It may be too little too late, but I want to be present for you now. If it works for you, I would like to {specific offer of emotional support or physical assistance}.

Again, I am so sorry for not being the friend you needed during your recent challenge. I hope you will give me a chance to make this right.



Download this apology letter template — free!

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Index of letter of apology templates