Apology Letters

   Apology For Affair

Dear {Name},

I know this time that being sorry isn't enough. Sorry is for when you say something insensitive, or when you don't clean up after yourself, or when you ruin someone's evening when they were excited to go out.

Sorry isn't for when you mess up the life of the person you love most. Sorry isn't for when you break their heart.

But here I am anyway, because I can't not tell you how sorry I am. Even though it's too late. I know it's just words, and the way I've deceived you has made my words useless trash, but I'm sorry in more than just my words. I'm sorry in my body and my soul and every piece of me that has ever belonged to you. I love you and I'm so, so sorry.

I can't expect you to forgive me. I just want you to know that you deserve better than this and better than me. I hate myself for what I did to you, and I could not feel worse for what I've put you through.



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